
Release Notes 10.25.17

October 25, 2017

***Update - UCF Mapper: Task Tracking did not make it out with this release.***

Updates to UCF Mapper will be released between 3:30 - 5:00 PM Pacific time today.
We do not expect any production downtime, unavailability, inability to use the application.

Improved Features

  • UCF Mapper: In-flight Projects Dashboard
    Added the for UCF admins to re-arrange the Projects by priority for everyone to see, and added the ability to filter out training projects.
  • UCF Mapper: Task Tracking
    Added to ability to track tasks by each stage: mapping, reviewing, and approval. Users will now get credit when a task passes through their queue.
  • Research: Search Multiple Common Control IDs
    Added the ability to search multiple Common Control IDs at once.

If you have any questions or concerns about this update, please contact

The UCF Team