
Release Notes 11.15.17

November 15, 2017

Updates to UCF Mapper will be released between 4:00 - 5:00 PM Pacific time today.
We do not expect any production downtime, unavailability, inability to use the application.

Improved Features

  • UCF Mapper: View Inactive tasks
    Added the ability for all users within a project to view a read-only version of inactive and completed tasks.
  • UCF Mapper: Notepad
    Added a notepad for each task.
  • UCF Mapper: No Citation to Common Control Match reasoning
    Added a new step that requires users to put a reason why a Citation was selected as not matching any of the existing UCF Common Controls
  • UCF Mapper: Workflow Change Message
    Added a message notifying user when a workflow has changed since it was originally mapped.
  • UCF Mapper: Tag definition
    Removed the requirement to tag definitions with primary nouns and verbs. Tagged definitions can now be pushed through with any tags.

Bug Fixes

  • UCF Mapper: Send Back to Mapper button
    Fixed the issue with the Send Back to Mapper button falsely appearing for a reviewer when a task has been sent back by the reviewer in cases where the reviewer previously won a dispute between the mapper.
    If you have any questions or concerns about this update, please contact

The UCF Team