
Mapping Observation Portal Webinar

March 30, 2018

Mapping Observation Portal Revealed

When CCH users started asking us for a way to follow our progress in mapping citations, we got to thinking… Let’s give CCH users a way to look at Unified Compliance’s mapping process as it is being completed. So, we’re designing a way for all users to do that. There’s now a Feature Request called Follow our Mapping Progress!

Visit our Feature Request so that you can see what we are thinking and give us your input! Once you’ve signed in, you can also leave comments about what you’d like to see and how you’d like to use the feature. In fact, we’ve proposed a few questions, and we’d like to hear your feedback.

We need your help to make the Follow our Mapping Progress feature the best it can be. Now’s the time to jump in and let your voice be heard. When the project is complete, the result will be introduced as the Mapping Observation Portal.  In the portal you’ll be able to see how we tag and match specific mandates in an Authority Document. If you have questions, you’ll be able to submit them, and we’ll answer them in a forum that everyone can access.  Just favorite the Feature Request page and enter your suggestions and ideas to help design this window into the heart of the UCF.

We are also having a webinar to explain the feature, and how to use it. Register here.  The webinar is scheduled for Thursday, April 26, 2018 at 11 a.m. PDT. Dorian Cougias, the co-founder of Unified Compliance, will personally introduce you to the new Portal.

Few companies are confident enough to provide a window into patented technology. Don’t miss this opportunity. Space is limited – Reserve your space in the webinar now!